Travel Visa Canada - Help
From the list provided, select your preferred title, based on your gender, marital status and/or professional designation.Mr.: identifies a male person who is either single or married.
Mrs.: identifies a female person who is married or widowed.
Miss.: identifies a female person who is single.
Ms.: identifies a female person who is married, single, divorced or widowed and prefers not to use Mrs. and/or Miss.
Dr.: preferred use of professional designation indicating medical doctor or post-graduate (PhD.) title.
Travel Visa Canada - Help
Email Address:
Enter your email address. It is important that you provide a valid and working email address in order to activate your account. Please note that all correspondences will be sent to your indicated address via email. Please ensure your email address is spelled correctly and includes the correct ending. The "My Account" section of your profile allows you to update your email address and provide an alternate email address.
E.g. is an example of a valid email address.
Travel Visa Canada - Help
Surname(s)/Last Name(s) as stated in passport:
Enter your Surname/Last Name exactly as it appears on your passport or identity document. This information is required for your eTA Application.
Use English and French letters only. Example: Aa, Bb, Cc, French accents such as é, è, ê, ë, û, hyphens, apostrophes, and spaces; cannot begin with a hyphen, apostrophe, or space.
If there are other special letters or characters in your name, use the letter without the accent. For example, use "z" instead of "ź."
Travel Visa Canada - Help
Given Name(s)/First Name(s) as stated in passport:
Enter your Given Name/First Name exactly as it appears on your passport or identity document. This information is required for your eTA Application
Use English and French letters only. Example: Aa, Bb, Cc, French accents such as é, è, ê, ë, û, hyphens, apostrophes, and spaces; cannot begin with a hyphen, apostrophe, or space.
If there are other special letters or characters in your name, use the letter without the accent. For example, use "z" instead of "ź."
Travel Visa Canada - Help
Date of Birth:
Please select the date, month and year of your birth exactly as it appears in your passport.
If the date of birth is unknown, please input the known information that has been included in your passport.

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Select your gender as shown on your passport. This is required to complete the application.
Travel Visa Canada - Help
Marital Status:
Indicate your marital status using the drop-down list.Never Married/Single: if you are single and have never married nor in a common law relationship.
Married: if you are legally married to a partner and have had a ceremony that legally binds them to each other. This marriage must be recognised under the laws of the country where it was performed and under Canadian law.
Divorced: if you and your most recent spouse have terminated your legal marriage and a court has granted a divorce and that a marriage has ended. The two people are no longer married.
Widowed: if you never remarried after the death of your most recent spouse and you have not remarried or entered into a common-law relationship.
Legally Separated: if you are no longer living with your partner or legal spouse and you do not wish to live together again, but you have not yet received a divorce.
Common law: if you are living with another person of the same-sex or opposite sex in a conjugal relationship for at least 1 year.
Annulled Marriage: if you have gotten married and have obtained a declaration from the court that your marriage is not valid and you are not in a common-law relationship.
Travel Visa Canada - Help
What do you plan to do in Canada?
Please indicate the purpose of your visit to Canada.
Holiday/Vacation: You are visiting Canada for leisure or tourism purposes.
Business/Conference: You are visiting Canada to participate in business activities or to attend a conference.
Visiting Friends/Family: You are visiting Canada for the purpose of spending time with relatives or friends.
Transit Only (Less than 48 Hours): You are transiting through Canada on the way to your final destination.
Travel Visa Canada - Help
Type of Travel Document:
Select the type of travel document you intend to use to come to Canada:Passport - ordinary/regular: A passport issued to citizens for occasional travel, such as vacations and business trips.
Passport – diplomatic: A passport issued to citizens who are high-ranking government officials, diplomats, and representatives and delegates of a government.
Passport – official: A passport normally issued to citizens, such as non-diplomatic government officials, travelling on official government business. Use if the front cover of your passport says 'official'.
Passport – service: A passport normally issued to citizens, such as non-diplomatic government officials, travelling on official government business. Use if the front cover of your passport says 'service'.
Emergency/temporary travel document: A travel document or passport issued to citizens in urgent cases where the issuance of a temporary passport is not possible. These documents are often valid for a short period of time.
Refugee travel document: A travel document issued to non-citizens with protected-person status, including Convention refugees and persons in need of protection.
Alien passport/travel document issued to non-citizens: A passport or travel document issued to non-citizens who live either permanently or temporarily in the country that issued the document, but are not citizens of that country.
Permit to re-enter the United States (I-327): A travel document issued by United States (U.S.) Citizenship and Immigration Services to U.S. lawful permanent residents to allow them to travel abroad and return to the U.S. without having to get a returning resident visa.
United States refugee travel document (I-571): A travel document issued by United States (U.S.) Citizenship and Immigration Services to non-citizens who have been recognized as refugees or granted asylum. If you hold an I-571, you are eligible to apply for an eTA only if you are a lawful permanent resident of the U.S.
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Select the code that matches the one on your passport:

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Will you use an electronic passport for this trip?
Look on the front cover of your passport for the symbol of a rectangle with a circle in the middle. If you see this symbol, you have an electronic passport.

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For this trip, will you use a national Israeli passport?
Indicate if you hold an Israeli National Passport issued by the government of Israel. See example below. Refer to example below.

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For this trip, will you use a passport issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Taiwan that includes your personal identification number?
Indicate if you hold a passport issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Taiwan and which contains a personal identification number. Passports such as Compatriot Passports or return certificates are not eligible for the visa waiver and must apply for a Temporary Resident Visa. Refer to example below.

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Taiwan personal identification number:
If you are using a passport issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Taiwan, enter your Taiwan personal identification number as it appears on your passport.
Travel Visa Canada - Help
Are you a lawful permanent resident of the United States with a valid alien registration card (Green Card)?
If you are lawfully admitted to the United States for permanent residence and are in possession of your alien registration card (Green Card) or can provide other evidence of permanent residence, you can travel to Canada without a temporary resident visa.Travel Visa Canada - Help
Enter your US A- number as it appears on your Green Card:
If you have been granted an US Green Card, you will have an A-number. Enter the A-number as it appears on your permanent resident card (Green card). Refer to example below.

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What is the nationality noted on this passport?

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How do you intend to enter Canada:
Indicate if you are travelling to Canada by plane, boat or land vehicle such as a car or train.Travel Visa Canada - Help
U.S. nonimmigrant visa number:
Your U.S. nonimmigrant visa number is the number located in the bottom right corner of your document. It is red and in bold font.

Travel Visa Canada - Help
Passport Number:
Enter your passport number exactly as it appears on the biographic information page. Pay particular attention to the letter O and the number 0; and the letter I and the number 1. Special Characters are not permitted. Refer to example below.

Travel Visa Canada - Help
Date of issue of Passport:
Select the date on which the passport was issued, indicating the day, month and year as it appears in your passport. Refer to example below.

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Date of expiry of Passport:
Select the expiry date of your passport indicating the day, month and year. Refer to example below.

Travel Visa Canada - Help
Country of Birth:
From the drop-down menu, select the name of the country shown in the place of birth field on your passport. This information is required to complete your application. Refer to example below.

Travel Visa Canada - Help
City of Birth:
Enter the name of the city/town/village shown in the place of birth field on your passport. If there is no city/town/village on your passport, enter the name of the city/town/village where you were born. This information is required to complete your application.
Travel Visa Canada - Help
Additional Countries of Citizenship:
Indicate whether you are a citizen of any other countryTravel Visa Canada - Help
Have you ever applied for or obtained a visa, an eTA or a permit to visit, live, work or study in Canada :
Select yes if, in the past, you submitted an application to come to Canada, such as a study permit, work permit, eTA or visitor visa.
Unique Client Identifier, visa or permit number: If, in the past, you submitted an application to come to Canada such as a study permit or work permit, you will have a Unique Client Identifier (UCI). This number appears on letters you received from Citizenship and Immigration Canada or on the immigration document that was issued. If you do not know what your UCI is, enter your immigration document number. (i.e. study permit, work permit, or visitor visa number.)
Travel Visa Canada - Help
Unique client identifier (UCI) / Previous Canadian visa, eTA or permit number :
If you have previously submitted an application to come to Canada, such as a study permit, work permit or visitor visa, you will have been given a UCI number.
Unique Client Identifier, visa or permit number: This number appears on letters you received from Citizenship and Immigration Canada or on the immigration document that was issued. If you do not know what your UCI is, enter your immigration document number. (i.e. study permit, work permit, or visitor visa number.) Refer to examples below.

Travel Visa Canada - Help
Appt #/Unit:
Enter the apartment, unit or suite number of the address where you live, if applicable. Do not enter a post office box, otherwise your application will be refused. This information is required to complete your application.Travel Visa Canada - Help
Street/civic number or house name :
Enter your house name, or civic or street number of the address where you live. Do not enter apartment, unit or suite numbers in this field. Do not enter a post office box otherwise; your application will be refused. This information is required to complete your application.Travel Visa Canada - Help
Street address/name:
Please enter the name of the street you live along with the standard identifier (such as “street”, “road, “avenue,” “boulevard.”) Please do not write it as an abbreviation.
For example, “Maple Avenue” is acceptable, but “Maple Ave.” is not accepted.
Do not enter apartment, unit or suite numbers in this field. Do not enter a post office box otherwise your application will be refused.
Please note that this information is required to complete your application.
Travel Visa Canada - Help
Enter the name of the city town where you live. Do not enter apartment, unit or suite numbers in this field. This information is required to complete your application.Travel Visa Canada - Help
Country of Residence:
Select the country where you live. This information is required to complete your application.Travel Visa Canada - Help
Enter a telephone number, if applicable, as follows: Country Code Network Code – Number. (e.g. 94456 1426)Travel Visa Canada - Help
Enter the province, territory or state where you live. This information is required to complete your application.Travel Visa Canada - Help
Enter the province, territory or state where you live. This information is required to complete your application.Travel Visa Canada - Help
Post Code/Zip Code:
Enter the zip or postal code for the address, if applicable. This information is required to complete your application.Travel Visa Canada - Help
Post Code/Zip Code:
Enter the zip or postal code for the address, if applicable. This information is required to complete your application.Travel Visa Canada - Help
Select your occupation:
From the drop-down menu, select the occupation type that best describes the industry in which you work. If you are a student, retired, a homemaker or unemployed, select the appropriate option from the list. If you are a high-ranking government or political official, select “Management occupations” from the list.
Travel Visa Canada - Help
Select the option that best describes your job:
From the list of options provided, select the occupation which best describes your job.Travel Visa Canada - Help
Do you know when you will travel to Canada?
Indicate if you have selected a specific travel date and time to come to Canada. If you do, select “yes” otherwise indicate “no”. Your selected travel date and time of departure will be required for your eTA Application.Travel Visa Canada - Help
When do you plan to travel to Canada?
Indicate the year, month and day of your intended travel to Canada. This information is required for your eTA Application.Travel Visa Canada - Help
Please enter the time your flight to Canada will depart:
Select the time zone for your intended departure time for your flight to Canada. This information will be located on your flight itinerary and is required for your eTA Application.Travel Visa Canada - Help
Please select the standard time used in your current place of residence.Travel Visa Canada - Help
How long are you planning to stay in Canada? :
Please indicate whether you plan to stay in Canada for less than 6 months or more than 6 months.Travel Visa Canada - Help
What is your province of destination?
Select the province in which you will be residing while in Canada. If visiting multiple provinces, select the one in which you will be spending most of your time.
If you are coming to Canada as a visitor or wish to remain in Canada as a visitor, you can choose the province you intend to visit.
If you are coming to Canada to work or study or wish to remain in Canada as a worker or student, you must choose the province in which you will be residing while performing your work or studies
Travel Visa Canada - Help
Have you lived in Canada as a permanent resident or landed immigrant?
Please indicate if you have previously lived in Canada as either a permanent resident or landed immigrant.Travel Visa Canada - Help
Are you currently, or will you be staying in Canada with a parent or legal guardian for the entire period of your stay?
Please indicate whether you are currently or will be staying in Canada as a child or minor with a primary caretaker.Travel Visa Canada - Help
Do you have a family member who is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident and is 18 years or older?
Please indicate if you have a relative with Canadian citizenship or permanent residency who is over the age of 18 years.Travel Visa Canada - Help
How are you related to your family member?
Please indicate how you are related to your family member.Travel Visa Canada - Help
What is the main purpose of your visit? :
Some provinces and territories in Canada have an agreement with the Government of Canada that allows them to nominate immigrants who wish to settle in that province.
If you choose to immigrate to Canada as a provincial nominee, you must first apply to the province where you wish to settle and complete its provincial nomination process.
The province will consider your application based on its immigration needs and your genuine intention to settle there. You may be asked to come to Canada to attend an interview
Travel Visa Canada - Help
Do you have a job in the country where you currently live?
Please indicate whether you are currently employed (full time, part time, casually, contracted or self-employed) in your country of residence.Travel Visa Canada - Help
Do you own a business in the country where you currently live?
Please indicate whether you are currently a business owner (sole ownership/partnership)Travel Visa Canada - Help
Do you depend on someone for financial support?
Please indicate whether you are financially dependent on someone for things like money, clothes, food, housing etc.Travel Visa Canada - Help
Have you travelled to other countries in the previous 10 years?
Please indicate if you have travelled or lived in another country within the previous 10 years.Travel Visa Canada - Help
Are you accompanying a family member that has status in Canada, or has recently been approved to come to Canada?
Please indicate if you are travelling with a relative who has or has recently been approved for a Canadian visa/permanent residency/citizenship.Travel Visa Canada - Help
In the past 10 years, have you provided your fingerprints and photo (biometrics) for an application to come to Canada?
Please indicate if you have previously submitted biometrics when submitting an application to come to Canada.Travel Visa Canada - Help
Have you had a medical exam performed by an IRCC authorized panel physician (doctor) within the last 12 months?
Your own doctor cannot perform the medical exam. It must be performed by a panel physician. You a panel physician in your current place of residence here: Visa Canada - Help
Have you ever been refused a visa or permit, denied entry to, or ordered to leave Canada or any other country/territory?
Select yes if you have ever been refused a visa or study or work permit from any country, including Canada, and/or if you have ever been asked to leave any country, including Canada. Please provide as many details as possible. Failure to include additional and sufficient details may result in slower processing.Travel Visa Canada - Help
Have you ever committed, been arrested for, been charged with or convicted of any criminal offence in any country?
Select yes if you have ever committed, been charged with or convicted of a crime in any country. Please provide as many details as possible. Failure to include additional and sufficient details may result in slower processing.Travel Visa Canada - Help
In the past two years, were you diagnosed with tuberculosis or have you been in close contact with a person with tuberculosis?
Select yes if you or a family member have ever had or been in close contact with a person with the disease tuberculosis. Indicate the nature of the relationship, if applicable, and the approximate date on which you or a family member had or were in close contact with a person with tuberculosis. Please provide as many details as possible. Failure to include additional and sufficient details may result in slower processing.Travel Visa Canada - Help
Do you have one of these conditions? (If you do not, please select ‘None of the above’ in the dropdown):
Please indicate whether you have been diagnosed by a medical professional as currently having one of the medical conditions in the dropdown.Travel Visa Canada - Help
- Andorra
- Anguilla
- Australia
- Austria
- Bahamas
- Barbados
- Belgium
- Bermuda
- British Virgin Islands
- Brunei Darussalam
- Bulgaria
- Cayman Islands
- Chile
- China (Holder of a passport issued by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China)
- Croatia
- Cyprus
- Czech Republic
- Denmark
- Estonia
- Falkland Islands
- Finland
- France
- Germany
- Gibraltar
- Greece
- Vatican City State
- Hungary
- Iceland
- Ireland
- Israel – not holders of valid Israeli “Travel Document in lieu of National Passport”
- Italy
- Japan
- Republic of Korea
- Latvia
- Liechtenstein
- Lithuania
- Luxembourg
- Malta
- Mexico
- Monaco
- Montserrat
- Netherlands
- New Zealand
- Norway
- Papua New Guinea
- Pitcairn Island
- Poland
- Portugal
- Romania(Holder of a valid electronic passport)
- Samoa
- San Marino
- Saint Helena
- Singapore
- Slovakia
- Slovenia
- Solomon Islands
- Spain
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- UK – British Overseas Territory
- UK – British National Overseas
- UK – British Overseas Citizen
- UK – British Citizen
- US Green Card Holder
- United Arab Emirates
- Turks and Caicos
- Taiwan(Holder of an ordinary passport issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Taiwan that includes the personal identification number of the individual. Note: Taiwanese citizens who hold a passport issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Taiwan that does not include their personal identification number need a visa to come to Canada)